Emergency phone numbers
118 4256 for all general emergencies – cell or landline known as CAPTA. [If you speak Spanish, call 986 8126, or 911 – the team has tried the 911 number on various days at various times, often the call is not answered!] The CAPTA line, 118 4256 is answered in English from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and in Spanish after hour.
Canadian Consulate: Wendy Hardouin, Consular Agent, La Marina Business and Life Commercial Center Blvd. Marina Mazatlán 2302, Office 41, Marina Mazatlán 82103 Mazatlán, Sinaloa Tel: Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm. As of June 15, 2023 you can phone the consulate directly at: + 52 55 5724 9798. An appointment can be made at: https://cts-ca.anzus.solutions/infoschedule?customer=embassyca&wf=appointments&action=schedule&locationId=MZLTN
[ This information is of September 2024 -Canadians in need of emergency consular assistance should e-mail mxicocs@international.gc.ca or phone the Consular section at the Embassy of Canada in Mexico at 55-5724-7900 ext. 379-3348 or contact the Emergency Watch and Response Centre (EWRC) in Ottawa directly at:
- by calling: +1 613-996-8885 (collect calls are accepted where available).
- by text message at: +1 613-686-3658
- via WhatsApp at: +1 613-909-8881
- via Telegram at: Canada Emergency Abroad
- or via Signal at +1-613-909-8087
- by e-mail at: sos@international.gc.ca ]
All calls are answered through Mexico City +52 55 5724 9798. And you never reach a human operator. You are asked to leave your name and number for emergencies. Questions are not considered emergencies. However, Wendy Hardouin states ” the voice mails are checked constantly to make sure any urgent calls are handled immediately.” The Mexico City office is open from 9 am. to noon, and from 2:30 pm. to 4 pm. For emergencies, there is the 24/7 SOS number in Ottawa. That is always answered by an agent who can contact someone on-site if that is warranted. The number is: +1 613 996-8885 ( collect calls accepted). [ as of January 13,2023]
U.S. Consulate: As of July 30, 2024 all correspondence should be directed to the new address: Consulado de los Estados Unidos de América en Guadalajara, Manuel Acuña #3410, Colonia Monraz 44670, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. For emergencies U.S. citizens should call 55 8526 2561 [from Mexico], or 844 528 6611 [from the U.S.] Full consular services, including emergency services will resume at the new location on Colonia Monraz.
CFE [electricity]: 071
Gas leaks [Gaspasa]: 669 981 0505
Fire department: 669 981 2769 or 669 981 2600
Police (municipal), 669 986 8126 [public security, Civil Protection, fire station] Police[transit]: 669 983 2816 or 669 982 2997;
Red Cross [emergency] 669 985 1451
Roadside Assistance, 669 986 9162 [car crash, flat tire, dead battery, etc.]
Segurichat, [only on WhatsApp – you can connect with all entities such as Public Security, Civil Protection, Fire Station, Red Cross and Federal Police] 669 982 2416
United States Consulate, 916 5889.
On the highway – green angels, ángeles verdes, or 669 982 2416
Left an item in a pulmonia? Try the office: 985 0701, 985 0601 [hq is on Angel flores #1113]; or Luis Ortega’s cell 669 918 2071 [he’s president of the pulmonia union]
Left an item on the green/white bus? Try , 669 982 2287 [ Alianza de Camiones Urbanos de Mazatlán.]
Numbers change, businesses move, hours are fluid, double check on FaceBook pages too.
Be sure to check FB or Google, but just in case you are looking for…
Angela Peralta Theatre: Plazuela Machado, Carnaval #1024, 982 4444, (hit 103 for a bilingual [maybe!] attendant.) Credit cards are often accepted, but it depends on the employee and the event. Call ahead to double check box office hours, but it should be open Monday to Friday, 9am – 8, and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 2 pm. If there is a performance on a Sunday, the box office should be open for last minutes sales. Tickets for Casa Haas are also sold at this box office. Many events are free, but you do need to obtain your ticket from the Angela Peralta box office. All tickets are non-refundable. The theatre also houses two galleries: upstairs is La Galeria, open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. $15, and downstairs is the La Galeria Rubio, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. $15, open most days.
Aquarium: the new aquarium, opened May 2023, Gran Acuario Mar de Cortés, granacuario.com
Art Supply Store: Dibujo Técnico, Calle Aquiles Serdán # 2443, 01 669 981 0882
Asian Market, Toyo, Benito Juárez #2708, open Monday to Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Blue Church – the new Blue Church, Playa Coromuel #232, in Playa Sur, half a block off Carnaval.[English speaking expression of Iglesia Nacional Presibiteriana “Sion” de Mazatlan]
Bus Routes: please click here
Casa Haas: corner of Mariano Escobedo and Heriberto Frias. Opening hours vary; it hosts chamber music, art exhibitions and other events which are open to the public. All tickets to events are available at the Angela Peralta box office. Even if the event is free, you must get a ticket from the box office.
Clock and watch fixer: Gabriel Alfonso Gamez Zuñiga, on the corner of Rosales and Canizalez. Open Monday to Friday from 10 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. or call 985 5620 [Spanish only]. He’s open on Saturdays too, but you need to knock on the steel closing as that is his real “working” day. I took my grandfather’s 120 year-old pocket watch to be cleaned, trusted him totally, only $500 pesos. You won’t get a receipt, but don’t worry. A prominent Mexican businessman said “he’s the most honest person in Mazatlan and every Mazatlan family take their watches to him.”
Cultura Offices, on the Alemán, west of Carnaval, opposite Oxxo, open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m, and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Deep Extraction Cleaning, Noë Gudiana Villarreal, WhatsAPP 669 134 8864, 669 986 1314, decmazatlan@gmail.com
Doctor on Call, 24/7 and Doctors: English speaking doctor, Dr. Jorge Garcia De La Rosa does make house calls, but he also has an office with a nurse.: 669 122. 4705. For all details, click here. ♦ If Doctor Jorge is not available you could try: Another Doctor who speaks English and will make house calls in an emergency is Dra. Montes, her office is at Laboratorios Teresita Sanchez [across from Sam’s club] most days you can’t get an appointment until 5 p.m. as she works at Social Security during the day. Office: 990 2288 cell, 669 994 8168. There’s also Dra. Libia Zuelma Páez Garcia, on Bugambiliar #200, telephone 669 913 1421, cell, 669 120 8960. Dra. Zuelma has an office with a nurse and takes appointments.
Flavor Teller: private tours of wonderful street food in Centro Historico, visit their website or call 669 142 6890 or e mail: flavorteller@gmail.com
Florist – Floreria Jardin de Rosas, Paseo Lomas #248 [just past Starbucks and the school], free delivery with order of $400, call 914 1754, credit cards accepted. Open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Flower Market: one long block on Aquiles Serdan north of the “Shrimp Ladies”, runs between Serdan and Azueta, open every day 7 a.m.
Fresh Market, Ley, Isla Tres, open 7 am – 10 pm.
Iglesia Cristiana: Congregacional/Congregational Church/The Blue Church: 5 de Mayo #1714, 985 1607 or e mail: iccm@2000.com.mx
Igelisa Sagrada Familia: Cisue and Rio de la Plata, Las Gaviotas, 669 913 5287
Iglesia San Carlos Borremeo: Rio Baluarte #4, Palos Prietos, 985 1816
Lab in Centro, Laboratorio LOSO: 5 de Mayo #1809 (between Melchor Ocampo and Géneraro Estrada, open: Monday to Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on Saturday from 6:30 a.m. to noon, call: 985 0060, 985 1970
Market/ Mercado, or El Mercado Pino Suarez: Centro’s market located between Benito Juarez and Aquiles Serdan –open daily,(even during most holidays) food starts selling at 8 a.m., tourists stores 10:30 a.m., stalls begin to close around 4-430 p.m.
Mazatlan Book Company: inside Margarita’s Restaurant, across from Marriott Hotel, open from 10:30 – 2 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 669 994 5815.
Parking in Centro – this parking house, Angel Flores @ Heriberto Frias, opened in June, 2021.
Mazatlan Film and Theater at El Recreo: Constitucion #209, between Venus and Niños Heroes. E mail: mazact1@gmail.com, www.mazact.com
Parque Lineal Mazatlan, Av. Oscar Pérez Escobosa #2016, across from Sendario shopping plaza.
Pedro Infante’s Museo/El Rincón de Pedro Infante: Actor, singer Pedro Infante was born in this house, Constitución #1108 – it’s filled with memorabilia such as movie posters, costumes, records and old photos – closed Sundays, open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Rubio Gallery: bottom “hall” of the Angela Peralta Theatre, open every day from 9-6, modest fee
Shoe Repair/Reparacion de Calzado “Rafa”: on the corner of José Azueta at Mariano Escobedo in Centro, closed Sundays, open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. In business for 70 years with Jorge Diaz as the main cobbler. Son, Jorge, speaks English and helps out in the afternoons. “Rafa”, grandfather, began the business. [Spanish words for shoes are calzado and zapatos, they are both used.] [You may enjoy this one minute musical video.]
Synagogue: There is no synagogue in Mazatlan.
Templo San José: Campana #210, 669 981 3545
Toyo Asian Market, Benito Juárez #2708, open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. 0 6 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you’d like to watch a tour of Toyo led by BC Marks
Translator, state- approved legal translator: Isabel Hudgins, Belisario Dominguez #2610 (one block from the Malecon), 669 668 2277 (with voice mail in English and Spanish.) State-approved means Isabel’s translations are legal in Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. Bring her your documents (birth certificates, marriage, divorce, really any government or immigration business) and she will give you a quote for her services.
United States Consulate: Playa Gaviotas #202, Zona Dorada, Monday-Friday 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. 669 916 5889, or 669 149 1059,[Noelle Flores], after hours ER call 045 662 256 0741 (in Hermosillo) e mail: ConAgencyMazatlan@state.gov